The flowers you should plant in your garden, not only make your garden more beautiful, but also help you repel snakes

Garlic Orchid is not a forest orchid with distinct single plants but a vines and especially smells like garlic bulbs. Garlic orchid has a number of other names such as garlic lily, garlic natural plants, pink light plants.

The scientific name of the garlic orchid is garlic vine or mansoa alliacea. Garlic orchids have appeared in Vietnam for a long time. However, many documents suggest that this tree is native to South Africa and tropical rainforests near the Amazon River.

The main part that creates the characteristic scent of garlic orchids is the leaves. Just ѕqᴜeeze a little and you will immediately smell the familiar garlic smell. The leaves are green, quite brittle, glossy, thick, opposite each other.

The stem of the garlic orchid is a climbing stem, the branches are flexible and stretch in many directions, the stem is ѕmootһ. The average height of the tree is between 2-5m. The trunk of a plant that is planted for a very long time will turn into a woody body. Garlic orchids have 2 main colors: purple garlic orchids and yellow garlic orchids, of which the most popular is purple garlic orchids. So, in this article we will mainly deal with purple garlic orchids.


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