Apart from the design, the contour of a houseplant is also a crucial factor in enhancing the overall aesthetics of your home decor. If you opt for foliage with exceptional color and shape, it can create a captivating indoor garden. Dive into these 8 mind-blowing round leaf houseplants and explore their beauty! First up, we have the String of Nickels.
String of Nickels Plant Care | Dischidia nuммularia Care Indoors
The plant known as string of nickels boasts coin-shaped leaves that are flattened and resemble actual currency, lending a charming touch to any room. With its proper name being Dischidia nummularia, this houseplant is a great choice for hanging baskets and adds a lovely natural curtain effect. Another plant option to consider is the Hoya brevialata.
Hoya sulawesii
Another type of houseplant with circular leaves is the Hoya brevialata. It has a lovely green foliage that is waxy and oval in shape. This plant also yields stunning red and white flowers that have a delightful scent. Another circular-leafed houseplant to consider is the Calathea orbifolia.
Calathea OrƄifolia XL - pot 27cм - FloraStore
Calathea is a well-liked indoor plant that boasts distinctive markings and expansive leaves. Their range includes broad circular foliage made of tough material, with creamy and pale green bands. These plants thrive in areas with moderate shade, high humidity, and soil that drains efficiently.

Chinese money plant
Chinese Money Plant | How to Care for Pilea Peperoмioides
The Pilea peperomioides, also known as the Chinese money plant, is a beloved houseplant that has gained popularity. Its circular and coin-shaped green leaves make it an ideal addition to any home or garden. Another great plant option is the Licuala grandis, also called the ruffled fan palm.
This plant is in мy wish list - Licuala Cordata : r/houseplants

String of Turtles: 7 Crucial Care Tips (Peperoмia Prostrata)
If you’re on the lookout for a new houseplant to add to your collection, consider growing a string of turtles in a hanging basket. This vining plant boasts circular leaves with a unique purple-green hue and white vein patterns. Its scientific name is Portucalaria afra.
Portulacaria Afra Variegata | Houseplant | Buy Garden Pots Online | Best Indoor Plant - Horticult
The yellow rainbow bush, also known as Portucalaria afra, is a stunning indoor plant with circular leaves. Its red-brown stems and light green foliage with pointed tips make for an eye-catching display. Another great option for indoor plants is the Variegated October Daphne, scientifically known as Hylotelephium sieboldii ‘Mediovariegatum’.
<img decoding=”async” src=”https://www.cactuspro.com/photos_jpg/38/3829.jpg” alt=”Au Cactus Francophone : Hylotelephiuм sieƄoldii“/>
The “Hylotelephium sieboldii” plant, also known as Variegated October Daphne, is a delightful houseplant with circular, serrated leaves that come in shades of blue, purple, and green. If you place this succulent in a spot that receives ample sunlight, it will develop a beautiful pink blush on its foliage.