10 Types of plants for wet areas (Moisture-loving plants) that produce beautiful flowers

Gardening is usually associated with warm summer days and the feeling of sun on your shoulders, but if you’re living in a wet climate, your visions may…

How to plant and care for Bergenia plants to bloom at the right time and last the longest

Bergenias are a hardy, semi-evergreen ornamental that originally came from Asia. It is now a favorite in gardens all over the country, and numerous stunning varieties are…

10 Perennial Flowers That Grow Super Fast If Grown In A Sunlit Place In Your Garden

I like to fill my gardens with perennials so that they come back the next year. My garden used to be surrounded by trees, but we moved this past…

20 Types of plants that grow on sandy soil grow normally and flower very brightly

Some areas of the country have sandy soil, while others have clay soil. If you live in a desert region or an area that is located near…

If you love Tulips, you should not miss These world’s most beautiful tulips

Tulips are an incredibly distinctive breed of flower, instantly identifiable around the world. In the most dry, scientific terms, the tulip is a bulbous flowering perennial plant encompassing around 75…

17 Remarkable Flowers That Start With R

How many times have you been stopped in your tracks by a unique flower, paused to admire its singular beauty? How many times have you longed to…

5 Common Daisy Flowers That Are Perfect for Beginning Gardeners

Daisies are one of the most recognizable and common flowers. Nearly everyone can recognize the classic shape of a daisy: white petals surrounding a bright yellow center….

Tips for Growing Agapanthus (Lily Of The Nile)

Agapanthus is a plant priced for its graceful stalks and its bright violet flowers. They are hardy in zones 6 through 11. The long blooming season means…

10 Different Types of Weigela (Gorgeous Varieties)

Weigela (Weigela florida) is an old-fashioned shrub that has earned new respect with a host of new varieties to brighten the landscape. These sun-loving shrubs produce trumpet-shaped…

10 Lucky Plants For your Home and Garden

We all need a little bit of luck in our lives, some people get their luck from a rabbit’s foot or a horseshoe, but the first thing…