Low Maintenance Ground Cover Ideas For A Beautiful Landscape

Do you have an area in your backyard that you’re not quite sure what to do with? These gorgeous ground cover ideas will inspire you.


Colorful ground covers


In a natural ecosystem, the ground cover can be used to protect the soil from eroding away. This is very useful in areas with high levels of rain or other destructive weather conditions. These can occur naturally or they may be planted strategically by ecologists.

Timber Press Pocket Guide to Ground Covers (Timber Press Pocket Guides)

Timber Press Pocket Guide to Ground Covers (Timber Press Pocket Guides)

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It’s possible to have the same effect in your very own backyard!


You can use beautiful ground covers to hide an unsightly area or even make it a focal point of beauty. This is something that will appeal to many homeowners because there are so many different kinds to choose from.

Most of the ground covers are grass varieties when they are in the natural environment. That is probably because grasses are so easily spread. But your choices definitely don’t stop there when it comes to your own yard.

Moss is one beautiful option. There is something so elegant and pretty about deep green mosses, which makes them an excellent choice. If you’d rather have a cover with some more depth you can choose to use low growing shrubs.

Using moss as ground cover

stone moss over a rocky cliff


Landscaping stony areas in your backyard is not easy, and moss is a great alternative: it will add some color and vegetation.

tree stump moss


Another way moss is useful in the backyard is to cover old stumps: it makes them more part of the scenery.

Using ivy as ground cover

Ivy is something that some people forget to consider. Ivy plants are great because they spread all around and create their own intricate design. There are also a wide variety of ivy plants to choose from.

window covered in ivy


Ivy plants can cover rough, ugly spots in your yard and even your home. Just be aware that ivy will spread and eventually cover your entire house, which may not be what you had in mind.

You definitely don’t have to limit yourself either. Pretty much any plant that grows low and will cover the ground can be used here. In fact, some people use herbs like mint or lavender as their ground cover. That serves a double purpose because you can use the mint and lavender in your recipes and in your iced tea!

Low maintenance grass alternatives for your yard


How To Care For Your Ground Cover

Ground Covers: Over 100 Varieties for Every Landscape

Ground Covers: Over 100 Varieties for Every Landscape

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It is important to keep in mind that the things you choose will have different levels of maintenance. For example, moss doesn’t really require you to do much at all while certain low growing shrubs would need constant care and attention.


If you love being outside and doing yard work this shouldn’t be a problem for you. If you are more hands-off it’s definitely something you need to take into consideration.

Ground covers are great for hiding a patch of land you can’t seem to do anything else with or for adding an element of great design to your backyard.

Beautiful Ground Covers Gallery

Some other ground cover options are:

Periwinkle Vinca Major


periwinkle Vinca major


Periwinkle is a fast-growing plant with solitary violet flowers at the end of the stem: beautiful ground cover that thrives in the shade! Here are more shade-loving plants!

Vinca plants can be invasive if you aren’t careful. Here’s how to get rid of periwinkle ground cover if it took over your yard.

Chameleon Plant – Houttuynia Cordata


houttuynia cordata chameleon plant


The houttuynia cordata (chameleon plant) features boldly variegated leaves of red, pink, white, green, and yellow



pink phlox groundcover


Creeping Phlox is gorgeous! Comes in lots of stunning colors everyone would love: pink, purple, striped, and more.

tufted phlox spilling over a rock




butterfly feasting on lobelia flowers


Lobelia has beautiful tiny flowers in sky blue, dark blue, and rose pink colors.

Silver Brocade, also known as Wooly. You can step on this without any problems, and it will disperse a beautiful smell while stepped on.

There are a lot more options for beautiful ground covers. I hope these ground cover ideas have inspired you to search for the perfect one for your backyard.

lavender phlox groundcover

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