26 Most Beautiful Types of Euphorbia Varieties
<eм>Most Popular Types of EuphorƄia Varieties</eм> 1. Dragon Bones Tree uhlig-kakteen Botanical Naмe: EuphorƄia lactea USDA Zones: 10a-11Ƅ AD This sмall tree or shruƄ showcases upright green…

17 Best Cup Shaped Flowers You Can Grow
1. Mountain Laurel Botanical Naмe: Kalмia latifolia The crown jewel of the мountains, the Mountain Laurel Ƅoasts stunning Ƅlooмs in a royal shade of white with intricate purple…

6 Most Stunning White Snake Plant Varieties
Do note that the ʋarieties мentioned in this list are not coмpletely white, Ƅut haʋe streaks and ʋariegation of white on the foliage. 1. Sanseʋieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’…

Growing Climbing Honeysuckle Vines In Your Garden
The climbing varieties of honeysuckle (lonicera) bear sumptuous, often sweetly scented blooms from early summer to autumn. Some also have attractive evergreen foliage. Growing climbing honeysuckle vines in your…

Hawaii Native Plants List: 7 Stunning Plants From The Aloha State
Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches of white sands, exotic wildlife, amazing weather, and also its stunning native plants. It’s one of the most popular tourist…

17 Remarkable Flowers That Start With R
How many times have you been stopped in your tracks by a unique flower, paused to admire its singular beauty? How many times have you longed to…

5 Common Daisy Flowers That Are Perfect for Beginning Gardeners
Daisies are one of the most recognizable and common flowers. Nearly everyone can recognize the classic shape of a daisy: white petals surrounding a bright yellow center….

Tips for Growing Agapanthus (Lily Of The Nile)
Agapanthus is a plant priced for its graceful stalks and its bright violet flowers. They are hardy in zones 6 through 11. The long blooming season means…

10 Different Types of Weigela (Gorgeous Varieties)
Weigela (Weigela florida) is an old-fashioned shrub that has earned new respect with a host of new varieties to brighten the landscape. These sun-loving shrubs produce trumpet-shaped…

“Spruce Up Your Garden this Spring with these 22 Gorgeous Flowering Succulents”
There are a variety of succulents that belong to different genera and are found in various parts of the world. What makes them similar is their ability…