“Spruce Up Your Garden this Spring with these 22 Gorgeous Flowering Succulents”

20 loại sen đá đẹp nhất được giới trẻ ưa chuộng

There are a variety of succulents that belong to different genera and are found in various parts of the world.

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What makes them similar is their ability to survive long periods without water. These plants are typically native to arid regions, like deserts, where rainfall is scarce. Because of this, they require minimal watering and are ideal for low-maintenance gardening.

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Some of the most popular succulents include sedums, sempervivums, agaves, aeoniums, and pearl ribbons. These plants are mainly grown for their foliage rather than flowers and can also thrive indoors as houseplants.

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To grow succulents, use well-draining soil or compost, like cactus compost, and place them in full sun to partial shade. Water them sparingly during spring to autumn but avoid watering entirely during winter. Succulents tend to grow slowly and should be repotted with fresh compost every two years if grown in pots.

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