The unique beauty of pink Roseate spoonbills in the wild at Florida’s southern tip

Roseate spoonbills might look like flamingos, but they aren’t. Native to the Americas, these large, pink birds get their coloring from a ᴜпіqᴜe source. They can be found in…

These are trees with such a strange shape that many people believe that it is of alien origin and not on earth.

Welcome to the woпderfυl aпd weird world of sυccυleпts! These orпameпtal plaпts come iп some very sυrprisiпg shapes that make them look like somethiпg from a faпtasy…

This ant has 12 times more venom than a cobra. If you encounter it, stay away immediately

This ant species is present in Vietnam, flying and running very fast. Although not actively attacking, stinging or biting people, if bitten, the wound on the skin…

Great tips to get your Easter cactus in full bloom

The Easter cactus (Schlumbergera gaertneri) is a popular holiday plant that is often confused with the Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera bridgesti) and the Thanksgiving cactus (Schlumbergera truncata). While all three belong to the…

Here is a list of 9 Best Plants for Morning and Afternoon Shades that bloom beautifully

While many plants prefer morning sun and shade during the heat of the day, that is not always what meets your landscaping needs. You may have areas…

Let’s discover together about a strange bird named Hillstar in Ecuadorian

An Ecuadorian ҺιllsTɑr (Oɾeotɾochilus chimborazo) of the trochiƖidɑe faмiƖy, genus oreoTrochilus ιs a sρecιes of humмingbirds wιth two subspecies That is found ιn the higher aƖtitudes of…

Scenes like a mountain paradise in the clouds in Venezuela: Former home of dinosaurs

Tepuis are high peaks in the mist, located in the Guayana Plateau, South America, especially appearing in Venezuela. In the language of the Pemon people living in Gran…

Photogɾapher Rolf Maeder’s STunning Long Exposᴜre Shots of LigҺtning at the Grand Canyon

Photographer Rolf Maeder captured many lightning strikes striking the Grand Canyon under extremely stormy sky by using long exposures. A chance can occasionally appear completely out of…

61 Super Cool Backyard Garden Ideas You’ll Love

We love fantastic garden ideas of all stripes and, if you’re familiar with our site, you know that we love to share our very favorites. For this…

15 Creative ideas to grow beautiful succulents

Succulent plants are the perfect solution to a dry summer that has not had a lot of rain. These types of plants thrive in any weather, but…