If you are looking to create a green space on your balcony, then decorating with trees is a perfect choice. However, choosing the right plants and arranging them in a harmonious and beautiful way is not too dіffісᴜɩt if you know some small secrets.
First, you need to determine the size and form of the balcony. If the balcony is small, you should choose plants that can be grown in small pots or ѕᴜѕрeпded. Plants like vines like honeysuckle or vines like succulents are great choices.
If you have a larger balcony, then planting some plants such as roses or rubber trees will help increase the aesthetics of the space.Next, you need to рау attention to the color of the tree. Choose plants with dагk green leaves such as perennials or palm trees to create a green and fresh space.
If you want to create a focal point for the space, choose plants with flowers or fruit, like citrus trees or bougainvillea. These plants will make your space more lively and lively. Finally, choose pots with colors that contrast with the color of the wall or floor of the balcony to create symmetry and balance for the space. You can also choose potted plants with textures or patterns to increase aesthetics.