Tyrese Gibson, the American actor and singer, has taken to social media to make a shocking claim about media mogul Oprah Winfrey. In a series of explosive posts on Instagram, Gibson accused Oprah of sabotaging the careers of several black actors, including Taraji P. Henson and Mo’Nique.
Gibson began by stating that he had been thinking about the struggles that many black actors face in the industry, and how they often get overlooked for major roles. He claimed that he had recently spoken to several colleagues who had shared stories of being sabotaged by Oprah, who allegedly uses her influence to undermine the success of black actors who don’t fit into her own mold.
Gibson specifically named Taraji P. Henson as a victim of Oprah’s sabotage. He claimed that Oprah had refused to promote Henson’s work, including her critically-acclaimed performance in the film “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button,” despite being a close friend and confidant of the actress. Gibson alleged that Oprah’s refusal to support Henson had led to the actress being overlooked for major roles and struggling to get her career back on track.
Gibson also mentioned Mo’Nique, who had previously accused Oprah of refusing to support her film “The View from the Top” due to its perceived lack of “Oprah-approved” content. Gibson claimed that Oprah’s refusal to promote the film had led to its commercial failure and Mo’Nique’s subsequent struggles to find work in Hollywood.
Gibson went on to accuse Oprah of having a long history of sabotaging black actors who didn’t fit into her own vision for what they should be doing. He claimed that Oprah’s influence was so powerful that she could single-handedly make or break an actor’s career, and that she used her power to promote only those who she deemed worthy.
Gibson’s posts have sparked a heated debate on social media, with many fans defending Oprah and accusing Gibson of spreading false rumors. However, others have come forward to share their own stories of being sabotaged by Oprah, and have accused her of using her influence to promote only those who are willing to conform to her own values and beliefs.
The allegations have also sparked concerns about the impact that Oprah’s actions could have on the careers of black actors and actresses who are struggling to make it in the industry. Many have expressed outrage at the idea that one person could have such power over an entire industry, and have called for greater accountability and transparency in the way that Hollywood operates.
In response to the allegations, Oprah has issued a statement denying any wrongdoing and accusing Gibson of spreading false rumors. However, many fans are calling for more information and are demanding answers from Oprah about the allegations. The controversy has sparked a much-needed conversation about the power dynamics in Hollywood and the impact that they have on marginalized communities.