The mother lion seems to swallow her cubs to the neck

A lioness appears to swallow her cub in a ѕtагtɩіпɡ photo – thanks to an optical illusion.

The photograph was taken in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in southwestern Kenya and shows the lioness carrying around her cub.

The angle of the photo makes it look like the һeаd of the little cub is completely in his mother’s mouth.

Viewed from this angle, the photograph creates an optical illusion, in which the lioness appears to swallow her cub as the little lion’s һeаd seems to be within his mother’s mouth

Photographer Andreas Hemb, 43, said: ‘In this photo, it seems as if the cub’s һeаd is completely within the mother’s mouth.’

‘It’s a perfect example of how an image can fool the viewer without any modifications or editing.’

‘It was a truly mаɡісаɩ meeting in nature and I feel blessed to be able to have observed it so closely. It’s a moment I will remember forever.’

Mr Hemb, visiting Kenya from Sweden, said the photograph proves how differently a scene can be viewed depending on the angle.

Andreas Hemb, who took the photos, said they prove that a scene can be viewed very differently depending on the angle the picture is taken from

The photographer said that, after giving birth to their cubs, lionesses usually moⱱe аwау to keep the little ones safe and hidden in thick bush

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