Furious Roseanne Blasts Simone Biles: “Worth $14m But Took $44k In Student Loan Forgiveness – Why Are Taxpayers Funding Millionaires?!”…ts.thuong.
A heated debate has erupted after Roseanne Barr publicly criticized Simone Biles for accepting student loan forgiveness despite her millionaire status. Barr, known for her outspoken views,…
Tim Allen and Roseanne Barr’s ‘Non-Woke’ Show Out of the Picture: Did ABC Just Hit the Comedy Snooze Button?!.ts.thuong.
Iп a dramatic twist that has left ABC execυtives scrambliпg aпd coпservative aυdieпces пoddiпg iп collective agreemeпt, Tim Alleп aпd Roseaппe Barr have officially caпceled their highly…
Oops! ‘The View’ Drops 65% in Ratings—Guess Roseanne’s New Show is the Only One Worth Watching!!!.ts.thuong.
The television landscape is constantly evolving, with shifting viewer preferences and changing programming often leading to surprising results. One such shift has been seen recently with the…