T.I. LASHES OUT At King Harris For Getting Girl Pregnant.thao


Rapper T.I. has lashed out at his son King Harris for getting a young woman pregnant. The drama unfolded on social media when King’s girlfriend revealed that she is expecting a child, and T.I. took to Twitter to express his disappointment and frustration.

“Man, I’m so disappointed in you, King,” T.I. wrote. “You’re a young man with your whole life ahead of you, and you’re going to bring a child into this world without even thinking about the consequences? What kind of example is that setting for your child?”

T.I. went on to call out King for his lack of responsibility and for putting his own desires above the well-being of others.

“You’re 19 years old, King,” T.I. wrote. “You’re still a kid yourself, and you’re going to bring a child into the world without even having a job or a plan for how you’re going to take care of them? That’s not being a man, that’s being irresponsible.”

The drama continued to unfold as King’s girlfriend took to social media to defend herself and their unborn child. She accused T.I. of being too controlling and of trying to dictate how she should live her life.

“T.I. needs to back off and let me make my own decisions,” she wrote. “I’m an adult, and I can make my own choices about what’s best for my child and my life.”

The situation has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many fans taking sides in the drama. Some have sided with T.I., saying that he’s just trying to protect his son and set a good example for him. Others have defended King and his girlfriend, saying that they should be able to make their own decisions about their lives.

As the drama continues to unfold, it’s clear that this is just the beginning of a long and complicated saga. One thing is certain: T.I. is not going to let this situation go quietly into the night.

“I’m not going to stop speaking out about this until I get some answers,” T.I. wrote in a recent tweet. “I want to know what kind of plan King has in place for his child, and I want to know what kind of role he’s going to play in their life.”

The world is waiting with bated breath to see what will happen next in this drama-filled saga. One thing is certain: T.I.’s anger and frustration are not going to be easily appeased.

In related news, several celebrities have taken to social media to weigh in on the situation. Some have praised T.I. for speaking out against his son’s irresponsible behavior, while others have called him out for being too harsh.

“Diddy’s got nothing on T.I. when it comes to being a responsible father,” said one celebrity. “T.I.’s always been about taking care of his family and setting a good example for his kids.”

Others have criticized T.I. for being too controlling and for trying to dictate how King should live his life.

“T.I.’s got some major issues if he’s trying to control his son’s life like this,” said another celebrity. “King’s an adult now, and he needs to be able to make his own decisions about what’s best for him.”

The debate continues to rage on, with no end in sight. One thing is certain: this is just the beginning of a long and complicated saga that will captivate the world’s attention for months to come.

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