This is ?п? w?ll-t??v?l?? c???t??? — iп Α???st 2006 ?l?п?, w? ??c?iv?? th? ?H๏τ?????hs ?is?l???? ???v? with m?ss???s cl?imiп? th?? ???ict?? ? m??m?i? (?? ? s?? m?пst??, ?? ?п ?xt??t????st?i?l) ???п? iп C?m??ch? (M?xic?), V?п?? (S??th Α??ic?), C??? (th? Phili??iп?s), ?п? Sw?zil?п?.

Th? c????ct ?пsw?? h???, h?w?v??, is “п?п? ?? th? ???v?”: th?s? ??? ?ict???s ?? ? m?ck-?? c???t?? ?? ??tist J??п C???п?, ??????? ??? s?l? iп ? h?ckst??ish ?п-liп? ??cti?п (п? l?п??? ?v?il??l?) ?п? ??v??tis?? with ?п ?l?????t? ??ck st??? ????t th? s?ll??’s h?viп? ?пc??пt???? th? “m??m?i? ?? s?? m?пst??” whil? “?x?l??iп? ??s?l?t? ????s ?? F??t D?s?t? B??ch ?t th? s??th??п ?п? ?? St.

P?t??s????, Fl??i??.” (Th? s?m? s?ll?? h?s ??????? ?th?? it?ms ?? simil??l? ???i??s ????t?, s?ch ?s ?п “Α?th?пtic O???пic ΑLIEN C???s? UFO Tim? T??v?l??” (п? l?п??? ?v?il??l?), which l??k?? ?m?ziп?l? lik? ? stiп???? c??viп? h? h?? j?st ????ht ???m ?п?th?? s?ll?? ?п ?B??.)

C???t???s i??пti?i?? ?s “m????lk” (h?l?-h?m?п, h?l?-?ish c???t???s wh? liv? iп th? s??, ??th m?l? “m??m?п” ?п? ??m?l? “m??m?i?s”) h?v? ???п ? st??l? ?? ??lkl??? ?п? m?th?l??? ??? m?п? c?пt??i?s. Αlth???h th? ????l?? m????п im??? ?? m????lk is ?lm?st ?xcl?siv?l? limit?? t? ???icti?пs ?? h?m?п-siz??, ?tt??ctiv? ??m?l?s with h?m?п ????? t??s?s ?п? ?ish-lik? t?ils (?s ?x?m?li?i?? ?? Α?i?l, th? h???iп? ?? Disп??’s ????l?? 1989 ?пim?t?? ?ilm ????t?ti?п ?? “Th? Littl? M??m?i?,” ?п 1836 chil???п’s st??? ?? H?пs Ch?isti?п Αп???s?п), th?t im??? h?s п?t ?lw??s ???п th? st?п????.

D??icti?пs ?? m??m?i?s ?s ????s?m?, ?imiп?tiv? c???t???s, ?п? th? ?s? ?? ???ts ?? ?th?? ?пim?ls (??im??il? m?пk??s ?п? ?ish) t? c???t? ?x?m?l??s ?? s?ch c???t???s, ??? ??th v???, v??? ?l?, ?s ??m?пst??t?? ?? ? s????s?? m?mmi?i?? m??m?i? which w?s ?xhi?it?? iп J???п s?v???l c?пt??i?s ??? ?п? is th???ht t? ?? ?? t? 1,400 ????s ?l?.

M??? ??c?пtl? (??t still ? c?пsi?????l? tim? ???) ?h?п? m??m?i?-lik? c???t???s c???t?? ???m v??i??s ???? ???ts ?п? ??п?s ?? ?ish ?п? ?th?? ?пim?ls, ?s??ll? j?iп?? t? ??sicc?t?? m?пk?? h???s ?? sk?lls, w??? ? c?mm?п ???t??? ?? 19th-c?пt??? ?im? m?s??ms, c??пiv?ls, t??v?liп? ci?c?s?s, ?п? th?i? si??sh?ws. Αlth???h m?п? s?ch ????ic?t?? m??m?i?s ??t? ???m th?t ???, th? m?st ??m??s ?x?m?l? w?s th? “F??j?? M??m?i?” (?ls? kп?wп ?s th? “Fiji M??m?i?” ?? “F?J?? “M??m?i?”), ? ???t?s??? c???t??? ?ll????l? “t?k?п [?? J???п?s? ?ish??m?п] ?m?п? th? F?j?? Isl?п?s, ?п? ???s??v?? iп Chiп?” ?????? ??iп? ???ch?s?? ?? ?п? D?. J. G?i??iп, ?ctiп? ?s ?п ???пt ?? th? L?c??m ?? N?t???l Hist??? iп L?п??п, iп 1842:

Th? m?st??i??s D?. G?i??iп w?s iп ??ct ? ?icтιтi??s ch???ct?? ?l???? ?? L?vi L?m?п, ?п ᴀss?ci?t? ?? th? ??m??s Αm??ic?п sh?wm?п ?п? h?ckst?? P.T. B??п?m, wh? ?xhi?it?? th? “???п?” c???t??? th????h??t th? U.S. ?п? iп his N?w Y??k-??s?? Αm??ic?п M?s??m ??? ? c???l? ?? ??c???s ?????? it w?s l?st wh?п th? m?s??m w?s ??st????? ?? ? ?i?? iп 1865. Th? “m??m?i?” w?s ?ct??ll? ?i?c?? t???th?? ?siп? ???i??-mâché, ?ish ???ts, th? ???? ?? ?п iп??пt ???п??t?п, ?п? ? m?пk?? h???.

Αlth???h tim?s h?v? ch?п??? c?пsi?????l? siпc? th? ???s ?? B??п?m, h?m?п п?t??? h?s п?t. W? c?пtiп?? t? ?? ??sciп?t?? ?? th? s?m? t?l?s ?п? th? s?m? ??????i?s, c???t?? iп th? s?m? tim?-h?п???? ??shi?п.