Iп coпclυsioп, wrestliпg betweeп giaпts staпds as a testameпt to the iпdomitable spirit of the hυmaп eпdeavor. Its legacy lives oп iп the hearts aпd miпds of those who coпtiпυe to pυrsυe excelleпce iп both physical aпd spiritυal realms. As we hoпor the traditioпs of the past, we also embrace the evolυtioп of martial arts, recogпiziпg the timeless wisdom imparted by the wrestliпg betweeп giaпts, the forerυппer of Japaпese samυrai wrestliпg.
.(相撲 sumō, literally “fighting”) is a form of competitive contact wrestling in which a rikishi (wrestler) attempts to push his opponent out of the ring (dohyō). or forcing the opponent to touch the ground with any part of the body other than the soles of the feet (usually by throwing, pushing, or forcing the opponent to the ground).
Attractive points of sumo tournaments
In some combat sports, especially wrestling, athletes or fighters will compete according to weight class. However, Sumo matches do not distinguish between the height or weight of the fighters. Matches with differences in the appearance of boxers attract more attention, especially matches where smaller boxers win. The results of the matches are the basis for assigning ranks to boxers.
Sumo ranks are listed according to rankings. The rankings will reflect the results at each Basho tournament. The highest rank is Yokozuna (横綱), followed by Ozeki (大関), Sekiwake (関脇), Komusubi (小結), then Maegashira (前頭)…
Ranks from Maegashira (前頭) and above are called Makuuchi (幕内). Lower than that are Juryo (十両), Makushita (幕下), Sandanme (三段目), Jonidan (序二段), then Jonokuchi (序ノ口). Ranks from Juryo (十両) and above are considered professional martial artists. Besides, the ranks are divided into east and west, within the same rank, east will be slightly better.