Katt Williams, the controversial comedian known for his sharp wit and fearless commentary, has once again stirred up drama in Hollywood. This time, his target is actress Megan Good and her husband, producer Devon Franklin. In a recent stand-up routine, Williams launched into a scathing tirade against Good, accusing her of being a “phony Christian” and suggesting that her marriage to Franklin was built on deceit.
“Let me tell you about Megan Good, the church girl. She’s married to a preacher, Devon Franklin. But let’s be real, she ain’t no angel,” Williams said during his comedy special. “She’s out here acting all holier-than-thou, but we all know the truth. She’s just like the rest of us, chasing fame and fortune.”
Williams went on to allege that Good had a reputation in Hollywood for being manipulative and self-serving. “She’s always playing the good girl act, but behind closed doors, she’s a different person,” Williams claimed. “She’s all about fame and money, just like the rest of them.”
The comedian’s harsh words have sparked a wave of backlash from fans and fellow celebrities, with many coming to Good’s defense and denouncing Williams’ comments as baseless and unfair. “Megan Good is a talented actress and a respected member of the entertainment industry. She doesn’t deserve to be attacked in this way,” one fan wrote on social media.
Good herself has yet to address Williams’ allegations, but her husband, Devon Franklin, has spoken out in her defense. In a statement released to the press, Franklin slammed Williams for spreading lies and misinformation. “It’s disappointing to see someone like Katt Williams stoop to such low levels in an attempt to bring down others,” Franklin said. “Megan is a strong and independent woman who deserves nothing but respect.”
Despite the controversy, Williams has stood by his comments, insisting that he was simply speaking his mind and sharing his observations about the entertainment industry. “I’m not here to make friends or play nice. I’m here to tell the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be,” Williams said in a follow-up interview.
As the feud between Williams and Good continues to escalate, fans are left wondering what will happen next. Will Good and Franklin respond to the comedian’s allegations, or will they choose to rise above the drama and focus on their careers? Only time will tell.