James Woods se niega a hacer una película sobre veteranos con Richard Gere: “Nunca con ese payaso woke”….ts.thuong.

James Woods, an actor known for his thorny roles and straightforward style, sparked a new controversy when he refused to participate in a movie about veterans with Richard Gere. In a powerful statement, Woods asserted: “Never with that woke clown.”

This comment immediately became the focus of public opinion, sparking many mixed opinions. Woods has long been known for his conservative views and blunt statements on social media. This time, he did not hesitate to express his dissatisfaction with Gere, who is known for his liberal stance and humanitarian social activities.

The film project about veterans, which is expected to be a desirable collaboration between two veteran Hollywood stars, is now facing the risk of interruption. According to some industry sources, Gere was the top choice for the lead role in this film, and Woods’ refusal could cause the project to seek a new direction.

The online community was strongly divided over Woods’ statement. Some support him for his outspokenness and decisiveness, while others criticize him for personalizing political conflicts at work. Meanwhile, Richard Gere remained silent about the incident, continuing to focus on his own projects.

This controversy does not stop at just two individuals but also reflects a clear divide in the American entertainment industry, where political views increasingly have a major influence on relationships and collaborations. . Regardless of the outcome, this incident will certainly leave a mark on the public and the film industry.

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