At this point does anyone really even care who Lulu’s liver donor is? This is just another dragged out storyline. Lucky, Sam, Cyrus, etc. Just end it already!!! We all know this is a crappy rewrite. It was originally going to be Lucky but because Kelly Monaco is leaving it was rewritten to be Sam. Just do the darn surgery, wrap up Sam’s storyline, and have Lulu wake up as we all know she will!!

General Hospital’s Dragged Out Liver Donor Storyline: Time to Wrap It Up Already!

At this point, fans of General Hospital are growing increasingly frustrated with the long, drawn-out storyline surrounding Lulu’s liver donor. What once seemed like a potentially impactful plot has now turned into yet another narrative that’s dragging its feet. Lucky, Sam, Cyrus—how many more characters are going to be brought into this overly extended saga before we see a resolution? Frankly, the patience of even the most loyal viewers is wearing thin.

The Donor Drama: Too Many Twists, Not Enough Payoff

Originally, the storyline hinted that Lucky would be Lulu’s liver donor, which made sense and would have been an emotionally powerful choice. But then, as rumors swirled about Kelly Monaco (who plays Sam) leaving the show, the writers seemed to scramble to rewrite the plot, switching the donor to Sam. This shift feels less like a natural evolution of the story and more like a forced attempt to accommodate backstage changes.

And now, instead of a heartfelt conclusion, we’re left watching scene after scene drag on, with no real progress. Fans are eager for closure, not more twists or unnecessary subplots that seem to serve only one purpose: prolonging the inevitable.

Just Do the Surgery Already!

Let’s be real: we all know how this is going to end. Lulu is going to wake up. She’s one of those characters who’s been in a coma for what feels like forever, but it’s a safe bet she’ll eventually return to stir things up again. So, why delay the inevitable? Fans aren’t tuning in for more suspense—they’re tuning in for resolution. Just do the surgery, finish up Sam’s storyline, and give us the payoff we’ve been waiting for.

Dragging this out isn’t adding any emotional weight to the story. Instead, it’s becoming a tedious slog that’s testing the patience of viewers who’ve invested years in these characters. The emotional impact that this story could have had is being watered down by the constant delays and rewrites.

The Real Frustration: A Crappy Rewrite

The original plan, with Lucky as the donor, had real potential to deepen family dynamics and provide a powerful story arc for both characters. However, with Kelly Monaco’s rumored exit, the decision to rewrite the plot and make Sam the donor feels like a band-aid solution, one that’s more about accommodating off-screen issues than delivering a solid, compelling story. It’s hard not to feel like fans are being shortchanged by these quick fixes.

It’s not that viewers don’t care about Sam or her departure—they just want to see a satisfying conclusion to her storyline that feels earned, not rushed and slapped together. Instead of a memorable exit for Sam, we’re getting a drawn-out, awkward rewrite that’s lost its emotional punch.

Time for Lulu to Wake Up and Move On

We all know that Lulu is going to wake up eventually—there’s no need to stretch this out any longer. The longer this donor storyline drags on, the less impactful her return is going to feel. By now, fans are ready for the show to tie up these loose ends and move forward with new, engaging storylines. Lulu’s coma has been a dark cloud hanging over General Hospital for far too long, and it’s time to lift it.

The Bottom Line: Wrap It Up!

At the end of the day, fans want resolution. They’re ready for the surgery, they’re ready for Sam’s storyline to come to a close, and they’re more than ready for Lulu to wake up. This isn’t just about the liver donor—it’s about giving fans the closure they deserve after being dragged through an unnecessarily long storyline.

General Hospital is known for its drama, but sometimes, the best way to keep viewers invested is to know when to wrap things up. Let’s end the liver donor saga on a high note and move on to the next chapter.

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