Archaeologists Stunned by Discovery of Stone-Age Skeletons in Libya’s Sahara Desert – hoanganh

In a significant archaeological breakthrough, a team of researchers has uncovered 20 Stone-Age skeletons in Libya’s Sahara Desert, specifically in the Wadi Takarkori region. This discovery provides a rare glimpse into the lives of ancient humans who inhabited this now arid landscape thousands of years ago.

The skeletons, dating between 8,000 and 4,200 years ago, were found meticulously arranged within and around a rock shelter. This site has revealed more than just human remains; archaeologists also found evidence of huts, animal bones, and pottery. Notably, some of the pottery contained traces of the earliest known fermented dairy products in Africa, indicating the advanced level of societal development and dietary practices of these ancient peoples​ (​​ (History News Network)​​ (Fav Amazing)​.

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Insights into Ancient Societies

The arrangement of the skeletons provides significant insights into the cultural and societal practices of the time. Most of the remains in the rock shelter were buried between 7,300 and 5,600 years ago, suggesting a long-term use of the site for burial purposes. The exclusive use of the rock shelter for female and sub-adult burials, with males and juveniles buried under stone heaps outside the shelter, points to a possible gender-based division in burial practices​ (​.

Environmental and Societal Changes

The discovery also sheds light on the environmental changes that impacted the region. During the time these people lived in Wadi Takarkori, the area was not the barren desert it is today but was filled with scrubby vegetation and seasonal green patches, supporting herding animals like cows. As the climate became more arid around 4,500 years ago, the inhabitants adapted by shifting to goats, which require less water. This shift likely influenced their social structure, with men’s roles possibly becoming more prominent as they adapted to harsher conditions​ (​​ (Archaeology Magazine)​.

Archaeology Adventures

The Need for Continued Research

Despite the significance of these findings, the Wadi Takarkori site remains largely unexplored due to regional instability and political issues. The area has been closed to archaeologists since the Libyan revolution, highlighting the need for protection and further study to fully understand the historical treasures it holds. The ongoing research is crucial to uncover more details about these ancient people and their way of life​ (History News Network)​​ (Fav Amazing)​.

Archaeology Adventures


The discovery of Stone-Age skeletons in Libya’s Sahara Desert is a landmark achievement in archaeology, offering valuable insights into ancient human life, environmental adaptation, and cultural practices. Continued research and protection of this site are essential to unlock further secrets of our shared human history. This find not only enriches our understanding of the past but also underscores the resilience and adaptability of ancient civilizations in the face of changing environments.

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