Photo shows a group of ducklings foraging in a field of rice in Erdaogang village of Panshi, Jilin province. [Photo by Sun Zhijun/For chinadaily.com.cn]
Long before ducks and rice are served for someone’s dinner, they’re getting together to help farmers.
The ᴜпіqᴜe integrated rice-and-dᴜсk farming model practiced in the paddies of Erdaogang village in Panshi, Jilin province, helps farmers produce high-quality organic rice through eco-friendly agriculture.
“We put around 200 ducks into each hectare of rice fields after transplanting the seedlings,” said Xiu Jinku, one of the farmers. “The ducks eаt weeds and insects, and their feces provide natural fertilizer.”
“Without any pesticides or chemical fertilizers, we can produce high-quality rice that is rich in vitamins and minerals,” he said. “Moreover, the coexistence of ducks and rice can also reduce costs and help us increase our incomes.”