Drew told Curtis that he has feelings for Willow; so I wonder why he didn’t mention that he’s sleeping with Nina??? 🤔🤔. ts.dhung.

Drew’s Confession to Curtis: Why Didn’t He Mention Nina?

GH 4/20/2023 | Curtis seeks help from Drew 2/2 - YouTube

In the world of General Hospital, relationships are rarely simple, and Drew’s recent conversation with Curtis has raised some eyebrows among fans. Drew openly confessed his feelings for Willow, leaving viewers puzzled as to why he didn’t also reveal his intimate relationship with Nina. This omission begs the question: why did Drew withhold such significant information, and what could this mean for the tangled web of relationships in Port Charles?

Drew’s Feelings for Willow

Will Willow and Drew Have an Affair on General Hospital?

Drew’s feelings for Willow have been evident for some time. As he confided in Curtis, it was clear that his emotional attachment to her runs deep. Willow, known for her warm-hearted and caring nature, has had a profound impact on Drew. Their connection has grown stronger over time, and his confession wasn’t entirely surprising. However, what caught fans off guard was Drew’s choice to focus solely on Willow during this conversation, omitting any mention of Nina.

Drew and Nina’s Relationship: What’s Really Happening?

Will Nina and Drew Fall in Love on General Hospital?

Drew’s involvement with Nina is one of General Hospital’s more complicated storylines. The two characters share a deep and emotional bond, with their relationship extending beyond mere physical attraction. Yet, despite the seriousness of his connection with Nina, Drew chose not to discuss it with Curtis, leaving fans wondering why he would hide such a crucial detail.

One possible reason for Drew’s omission is the complexity of his feelings. While he has undeniable affection for Willow, his relationship with Nina exists on a different emotional plane. Perhaps Drew is still trying to figure out where he stands with both women, and until he resolves his internal conflict, he may feel uncomfortable discussing Nina openly. This might be his way of compartmentalizing his relationships, separating the emotional from the physical.

Nina’s Role in Drew’s Life

Nina is no stranger to drama in Port Charles. Her relationships with various characters, including Willow, Carly, and now Drew, have put her in the center of many storylines. As she continues to navigate her feelings for Drew, it’s possible that Drew’s reluctance to share his relationship with her reflects his uncertainty about where things are headed.

Moreover, Nina’s strained relationships with Willow and Carly may have influenced Drew’s decision to keep their relationship private. By withholding this information, Drew might be trying to protect Nina from the inevitable backlash she would face, especially considering her contentious history with the Corinthos family.

What’s Next for Drew, Willow, and Nina?

The omission of Nina from Drew’s conversation with Curtis leaves viewers with more questions than answers. Is Drew truly ready to pursue something serious with Willow, or is he still torn between her and Nina? Furthermore, what will happen if Willow discovers Drew’s relationship with Nina? These unanswered questions set the stage for more drama and conflict in the weeks to come.


Drew’s decision to confess his feelings for Willow while omitting his relationship with Nina adds another layer of intrigue to General Hospital’s ever-evolving storyline. As fans continue to speculate, one thing is certain: Drew’s relationships with both women are far from over. Whether he chooses to pursue a future with Willow or deepen his connection with Nina, his actions will undoubtedly have ripple effects throughout Port Charles, keeping viewers glued to their screens as the drama unfolds.

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